Dear Family and Friends,
Another year has come and gone, and so have your Christmas cards.
I am dismayed to announce that only 6.5% of the Hardy Family card that was sent
out to relatives was dedicated to me, but 16% of the card was dedicated to my
youngest brother and the fact that he needs to let out the hem on his Sunday
pants because he is growing taller. Plans to dominate the Christmas card next
year include eating plenty of Big Macs and putting on enough weight so the
family picture is essentially me with my brothers and sister peeking out from
around my enlarged quadruple chins. Stay tuned.
Christmas cards are an interesting concept to me. Hundreds of our
closest friends and family dumped 200-some cards into the mail on December 1st
all saying the same thing: 2015 was a
good year for our family. We did lots
of cool things. (Insert a list of cool things done) Merry Christmas! We hope
you have a great New Year! This is sometimes accompanied by a family
picture in which everyone is forced into wearing an unflattering yet matching
sweater. This is great, and I love looking through
cards from people I care about. However,
more often than not I finish reading a card wishing the author had included a
bit more about their year instead of the traditional message. As I was only
allotted one line in the family card, I have taken the liberty of writing a
little more here:
2015 was a good year for me.
I started teaching 6th
grade, which I assume is similar to motherhood (mediating playground drama,
listening to stories that sometimes don’t make sense, etc.) without the tax
benefits. Within the same day I was told that my outfit was “on fleek” by one student and asked if I was
pregnant by another. I’ve taught them important things like finding percentages but also things like how to manage a
‘thug life’ while also doing homework.
Merry Christmas!